Saturday, October 24, 2009

Register-Star Endorses My Candidacy, ccSCOOP Profiles

The Columbia County on-line publication, ccSCOOP, has profiled my opponent, John Porreca, and me.

First, thanks to All of the people who have endorsed me, most importantly Mayor Rick Scalera and Treasurer Eileen Halloran, and my fellow Democrats from the Hudson City Democratic Committee


One step at a time, but not bad news for a rainy day:

Register-Star Endorsement

Common Council President


Saturday, October 24, 2009 2:14 AM EDT

The race for the city of Hudson Common Council president, pits Democrat Donald Moore against Republican John Porreca.

Moore has lived in Hudson for three years and is retired from university administration. Porreca, a self-described hometown boy, is a former Third Ward alderman.

Jobs — or lack thereof — for city of Hudson residents is a concern of both candidates. The city has seen more than its share of companies closing up shop and it this has had a devastating effect on Hudson.

Porreca said he feels that Empire Zone program funds should be used to revitalize manufacturing in the city and that the program isn't taken advantage of enough. He would also like to establish some committees aimed at making the city more "business-friendly."

Moore said that the agencies in charge of economic development are not getting the job done. He would also like to see the creation of a committee that would promote growth and find development resources. He would also find ways to build on the variety of different businesses that already exist in the city.

Moore recognizes that quality of life plays a big role in economic development and would work to address that as well. He said this includes maintaining and improving parks, creating affordable housing and supporting the Hudson City School District.

Porreca, also sees affordable housing as an issue facing Hudson. He worries about overcrowding at some homes that present some health and safety issues. He supports the plan to replace Bliss Towers.

The city needs someone at the helm of the Common Council that can keep control over the differing personalities on the Common Council. We feel that Moore is the person for the job. A job that he will commit to like it is a full-time job to make sure all the aldermen are informed on issues and resolutions before it's time for a vote. Moore's plans to help the city become more economically sound and viable are good ones. They demonstrate that he has a great understanding of how many of the issues that the city faces are intertwined. While Porreca may have experience from being on the Common Council, we feel that Moore's breadth of experience from his volunteerism and work experience will serve him well as the leader of the Common Council.

We recommend Hudson voters elect Moore as their next Common Council president.

There is also the news story:

Moore: Let's reshape the city

By Jamie Larson
Hudson-Catskill Newspapers
Published:   Saturday, October 24, 2009 2:14 AM EDT

Democratic Candidate for Common Council President, Donald Moore says that if elected he will work with city officials and business professionals to reshape the way the city, and Columbia County looks at bringing business into Hudson, and he already has plan to do it.

"We need to organize ourselves around the common objectives of business growth and revenue generation in Hudson," Moore said. "The leadership of Hudson must take charge of the city's economic development, because it is absolutely clear that the current county mechanisms are inadequate and unacceptable. Go on the Columbia Hudson Partnership Web site.  I challenge anyone to find the listings of the buildings, large or small, currently for sale in Hudson, or the mention of a port, or of a developing waterfront recreation area. The only mention of Hudson is a one-sentence description of the city as 'once a busy port city frequented by whalers.' Is this how Hudson will gain a competitive (edge)?"

A resident of Hudson for three years, Moore attends nearly every common council and committee meeting. He said the president has to be "chief cook and bottle washer," both leading the council, keeping it informed and moving smoothly, while also working in the trenches on policy to get things done.

Moore has received the endorsement of his party members, Democratic Aldermen and has been explicitly endorsed and supported by Mayor Richard Scalera and City Treasurer Eileen Halloran.

Moore said he already has a good relationship with Scalera and Halloran, and feels he can work as a cohesive team with the city's two top politicians. Moore said if elected he will bring professionalism and dedication to the head of the council.

Moore outlined four tasks he said will help make Hudson more economically successful, and can be implemented at the same time.

He proposes that if elected he would work with city officials, business people and nonprofit organizations to create a new city initiative with programs to support economic development for small and large businesses, and improving employment opportunities in Hudson.

Moore also suggests the city re-evaluate how to utilized assets such as real estate, uses for the deep-water port, and access to the Amtrak rail line and transportation arteries. In addition he proposes that Hudson develop a thorough "21st century" marketing plan that presents economic opportunities in Hudson by highlighting the character and potential advantages of doing business in Hudson.

Lastly, Moore proposes Hudson build up housing and social support services that he feels are critical to a "stable and enthusiastic local workforce."

"Accomplishing our goals during difficult times will take new structures, new levels of cooperation, and new direction." Moore said, "Hudson can have all this with the Democratic leadership of Mayor Scalera, Treasurer Halloran, and renewed vigor and focus in the Common Council."